Stripes, Cargos, and Lemons

When life gives you lemons, what would you do? I’ve had my fair share of lemons this year and frankly speaking, all that sourness and acidity seemed too much to bear at times. Ever since the invention of social media, we’re bombarded by pretty photos of glamourous people on a minute-by-minute basis. So much so […]

Stripes and Spots

Do you remember your last visit to the zoo? For the longest time I brushed aside thoughts of visiting the zoo because it sounded like a very childish outing… and I didn’t really have a reason to go there until… I realised that I was actually taking one of the most beautiful zoos in the world for […]

Polka Dot Midi and The Bright Orange Popsicle

Work was incredibly hectic last week. As much as I enjoy having a schedule that’s packed to the brim, I find that I’m increasingly craving for solitude. I think I just need a few days of r and r without worry and guilt to feel alive again. Yesterday’s shoot was one of the more spontaneous […]

Last Weekend Edit: Stripes, Coloured Denim and Leopard Print

Today’s the last day of Easter long weekend and frankly speaking, I am feeling rather drained. Before the break, I had visions of myself chilling in bed at night with some interesting reading materials but that didn’t happen. Is anyone of you guilty of filling your schedules to the brim during breaks/holidays as well? It’s […]

Last Weekend Edit: Hip Hip Hooray!

Yesterday morning was as beautiful as can be. We were super grateful for the sunshine because it was precisely what we needed for Mr M’s birthday BBQ (or braai as he likes to call it). Mr M is such a great blessing to my life and I was pretty excited to spoil him with the […]

Last weekend edit: A walk in the (dog) park

Glebe tram shed, I was pretty excited to visit this graffiti haven only to realise that it’s closed for development minutes before we were ready to leave. Bummer. We need a Plan B, like now NOW. Fortunately, Mr M has a list of photo shoot locations handy and very quickly came up with Freedom Park, which […]

Last Weekend Edit: Child’s play

Hi everyone, how was your weekend? Mine was pretty full on with not enough rest but the silver lining was that I got to see a bunch of people I love, and one of them happened to be a dear friend from Hong Kong whom I haven’t seen in more than a year. Time always […]

Last Weekend Edit: I love Chinese New Year!

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR FOLKS! In case you’re unfamiliar with CNY, each lunar year is associated with 1 of 12 zodiac animals and this is the year of the snake. Well, the first day of new year fell on the 10th of Feb this year (Sunday) and to me  that was absolutely perfect because most […]


a personal concoction of fashion, photography, food and travels

Keira Lennox

a real-life style & beauty blog

Leather and Lattes

Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Andrea Hetherington

Mimi Vesper

A blog by Mimi Minh Nguyen.


Karissa Marie

Style & Lifestyle Blogger

style sprite

A spirited documentation of my personal style.

The Style Voyager

Hong Kong Fashion and Lifestyle Blog.


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