Wear the Clothes You Have


Last Saturday morning, I stood in front of my wardrobe feeling utterly uninspired. I was frustrated because I felt like I didn’t have anything new or cool to share. I felt like nothing in my wardrobe was worthy of attention or discussion because a large chunk of my clothes was at least years old. Those unhealthy feelings made me realise that I might have allowed myself to slip into an unrealistic trap. The trap that escalates the desires to constantly purchase new and trendy things as if my self worth is entirely dependent on them. My wardrobe was packed to the brim and yet I had nothing to wear. What an oxymoronic statement that is.

I recently bought a beautiful book called Closer by Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist and this little except on page 95 which I love had put me in the right perspective just in time.

Leather has the most beautiful way of aging: it cracks, it creases, it scuffs, it darkens over time.

I remember showing Garance a photograph of a pair of Luciano Barbera’s gloves. They had aged beautifully. I told her that I wished one of my multiple pairs of gloves would eventually age as perfectly as his.

She replied with one of the most simple but insightful truths about style: ‘If you want your clothes to age with that kind of grace then wear the clothes you have and stop always buying new ones!!’

How beautifully said. We are often so quick to chase after new things that we forgot how marvelous the old things could be. If only we were willing to give them to chance to shine.



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Eventually I gave up trying to be fancy that morning by simply going for an all black look. That pleated skirt had seen me through many wonderful date nights with Mr M… It’s one of those ultra versatile pieces that never fails to add a touch of femininity to the overall look. Those pointy flats… I had disregarded them for the longest time and I felt that it was time to give them some credit. They are definitely here to stay as long as there’s still a bit of chill left in the air.

What are some of the things that you’ve recently rediscovered again from your wardrobe?

Happy Monday all! Hope you enjoy the rest of the week!


Photography| Mr M

10 thoughts on “Wear the Clothes You Have

  1. I understand the feeling that you described perfectly. I had the same problem a year ago around this time. So in the past year I started to care less about looking effortless and became more relaxed! It really was an eye opener to me! Though I still love dressing up and looking feminine, haha!

    Anyhow, I love your look! It’s simple, yet elegant and classy.


  2. What an insightful post. I have been going through this, especially the last few weeks. I have even decided I need to throw some things out. But before I do that I feel inspired to look through my closet with fresh eyes again…

  3. Beautifully put and very inspiring. In touch with the feelings of many women I am sure. I love how from that feeling you managed to create a classy and timeless look. Bravo !

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