A Taste of Safari

“Oh, are you going to go on a safari?!!”

That was THE most asked question before I hopped on the plane to the faraway land. 

To be honest, the thought of safari probably didn’t excite me as much as it excited some of my friends BUT after witnessing wildlife in such close proximity, I’m proud to say that I am a CONVERT. Nature is nothing short of incredible and I relished every single minute of our time at the game drives. Surely the world is filled with countless beautiful things that are drool-worthy and subsequently provoke uncontrollable feelings of instant gratification but there’s just something so raw, pure and unpretentious about nature that truly tugs my heartstrings. Here’s a tiny glimpse of what we saw. View more on wllwproject’s Facebook.

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What breathtaking sights!

Kruger National Park is high on our travel list and I cannot wait to experience wilderness in its entirety (and hopefully luxury lodges are part of the package too!).

Thank you for joining me on today’s adventure!

PS: I was banned from wearing safari clothing but I’m NOT going to name names

PSS: The game ranger who guided us on the drive said “they taste very delicious” about each animal.


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