Do you like your ice-cream in a cone or cup?

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Happy Thursday everyone! Can you believe that it’s Thursday again? Thank you for joining me on this tour to Kalk Bay(KB), a fishing village on the coast of False Bay (FB) in Cape Town. Before I continue any further, I just felt compelled to tell you the rather amusing origins of FB. Apparently FB was declared ‘false’ by a bunch of sailors back in the olden days when they mistook it for some other bay, hence the ‘fitting’ name. How unbelievably convenient was that?!

KB has a bunch of quaint little boutiques and jewellery shops but one of my window shopping highlights over there was a jeweller called ANPA. I felt exactly like a ‘fat kid in the candy shop’ because every single piece of jewellery was so pretty and enticing! There was an overflow of creativity and those who could get their hands on any of those pieces are definitely a lucky bunch!

Well as a consolation to not having money to spend, I was pacified with a scoop of creamy goodness and a walk at the jetty… priceless! The wind was super strong that day so please pardon my crazy looking hair.

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I love sheer tops but they just don’t provide any form of insulation! Brrrr. If you have followed me for the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed how much I love wearing these jeans (here and here). The burgundy hue is such a versatile colour to play mix and match with and I hope to experiment with it a little bit more in the future! The necklace I love for so many reasons- its colour, asymmetrical feature, and the fact that its the most frequently complimented item I’ve ever owned.

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Channeling ‘Jenny Sun‘ in the last couple of photos.

Talk soon precious people!


Photos by Mr M

10 thoughts on “Do you like your ice-cream in a cone or cup?

  1. I love it in a cone when I’m hungry, in a cup when I’m too lazy to lick the ice cream fast enough before it dribbles on my hand. hahaha. I really like that photo of you sitting there with the text overlay. 🙂

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